Nick Fury

Nicholas Fury, Jr. (Earth-616)
Information-silkReal NameNicholas Joseph Fury, Jr.
Information-silkAliasesMarcus Johnson, Nick Fury II, Fury 2.0, Agent Fury, Sarge
Information-silkRelativesJack Fury (grandfather, deceased);
Katherine Fury (grandmother);
unnamed step-grandmother(deceased);
Nick Fury (father);
Nia Jones (mother, deceased);
Dawn Fury (paternal aunt);
Jake Fury (paternal uncle);
Mikel Fury (paternal half-brother, deceased);
Jerry Sapristi (first cousin once removed);
ErnestoPietroGiovanni,MariaRosa and Gabriella(2nd cousins);
Rex Fury (alleged ancestor, deceased)[1];
Information-silkAffiliationSecret Avengers,S.H.I.E.L.D., formerly U.S. Army Rangers
Information-silkBase Of OperationsMobile; formerlyAfghanistanAtlanta
Information-silkIdentityNo Dual Identity
Information-silkMarital StatusSingle
Information-silkOccupationAgent of S.H.I.E.L.D. formerly Staff sergeant in the US Army rangers
Information-silkEducationBA in Philosophy from University of Georgia, Army Ranger School Graduate
Information-silkHeight6' 3"
Information-silkWeight225 lbs (102 kg)
Information-silkHairBlack , (shaved bald)
Information-silkUnusual FeaturesMissing left eye with scars in the area. Covered by eyepatch
Information-silkOriginEmpowered by the Infinity Formula
Information-silkPlace of Birthpresumably AtlantaGeorgia
Information-silkCreatorsCullen Bunn, Chris Yost,Matt Fraction, Scot Eaton
First Appearance
Battle Scars #1


Quote1 How about this... My name is Fury, kid... and so is yours. Quote2
-- Nick Fury, Sr. src 
An Army Ranger serving in Afghanistan, Marcus Johnson and his best friend Cheese were on duty when Asgardian God of Fear, the Serpent's forces began spreading fear worldwide. In an already volatile area, this resulted in a massive battle that killed 25 soldiers and injured 48 others, though Johnson and Cheese largely escaped unscathed. Three days after the battle, Johnson received word his mother had died, and returned to Atlanta to attend her funeral, an event also secretly attended by Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter.
Nicholas Fury, Jr. (Earth-616) 003
Marcus Johnson
Following the funeral, he visited her house, which had been looted during riots caused by the global fear. Looking through the home and discovering blood and a bullet casing, he realized that his mother's death had been a deliberate murder. Upon exiting the house, he and the police officer who was accompanying him came under fire from a sniper, followed by a coordinated attack by Russian mercenaries, specifically targeting Johnson. Though he was able to defeat them using the combat training he had, the arrival of Taskmaster proved more than he could handle, but just before Taskmaster could kill him, Captain America and a small army arrived,[2] saving his life.
He was then taken into S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, but after Captain America refused to explain to him why he was attacked by mercenaries, he escaped and went to find out by himself. With the help of his friend "Cheese" he tracked his mother's assassin Orion who wanted to find Johnson because he was Nick Fury's son, and his blood had the Infinity Formula, that could restore Uvarov to his former self.
In the end, Johnson defeats Leviathan with the help of the Avengers, his father and his friend Phil "Cheese" Coulson, was told that his real name was Nicholas Fury, Jr. and became an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.[3], even joining the organization's Secret Avengers initiative.[4]

Powers and AbilitiesEdit


Infinity Formula: Nick Fury, Jr. Was born with the infinity formula in his blood, which grants him the same slowed aging as Nick Fury, his father.
Peak Human Aging: The Infinity Formula in Fury´s blood possibly slows his aging due to extensively healthy cells.
Power Grid
Fan Ratings[5]
Energy Projection
Fighting Skills


Expert Marksman: He is an expert marksman skilled in throwing weapons and firearms. In addition, he is also a good combatant.

Strength level

Trained athlete.


Aside from enhanced longevity, possesses all the weaknesses of a normal human male.



Various high-powered firearms


  • The main reason of the creation of this character was the ascending popularity of the Cinematic Universe version of Nick Fury, based on theUltimate version of Nick Fury, the main difference with the original Nick Fury being the race.
  • Due to the aforementioned reasons, Tom Brevoort, Marvel's Vice President, believed it to be a prudent move by Marvel due to the African-American Nick Fury that appears in films, animated shows, and other licensed adaptations.[6]