The Hand is a ninja order that serves a demon referred to by members as the Beast. The Hand's attempts to spread its dark influence over the world have led them into battle countless times through the centuries with an order known as the Chaste.
One of the Hand's greatest warriors was Elektra. She had been cast out by the Chaste when it became apparent she was still consumed by grief, hatred, and pain following her father's murder. To prove her worth to Stick, leader of the Chaste, Elektra planned to infiltrate the Hand and destroy them from within. Instead, she was tricked by the Hand into killing her former sensei. Taking advantage of Elektra's fragile psyche, the Hand turned her to their dark ways. It was only later that Elektra was able to break free and escape their control.
Years later, the Hand learned Stick was in New York , helping his old student Daredevil (Matthew Murdock) deal with the temporary loss of his radar sense. Members of the Hand readied for an immediate attack. The Hand overwhelmed Stick, who only managed to defeat his attackers when he and Shaft, another member of the Chaste, drew the life essences from the evil ninja. The process, however, killed both Stick and Shaft.
The Hand knew they were close to victory over their longtime foes. They stole the body of Elektra, who had been killed by the assassin Bullseye, and took steps to resurrect her. The Hand hoped she would replace the recently slain Kirigi as the order's greatest warrior. Daredevil, the Black Widow and Stone, the new leader of the Chaste, prevented Elektra from again becoming part of the Hand. Thanks to Daredevil's efforts, Stone went on to complete Elektra's resurrection. Since she was now pure of spirit, Elektra was finally allowed to become a member of the Chaste.
Later, the Hand focused on finding the reincarnation of Stick, knowing that doing so might help them destroy the Chaste once and for all. Daredevil and Stone fended off the Hand, and the Chaste determined that Baby Karen was the reincarnation of its former leader. The Hand has also observed Elektra, watching from afar to see whether they can bring her back to their side. They have killed anyone who has tried to interfere with their unknown plans for her. Elektra recently thwarted an attempt by the Hand to bring their Beast into the Earthly realm.More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/universe/Hand#ixzz3GjHCHBUa